
BMW Factory Software & Tools

All the BMW factory software and tools you get with the dealer from a reliable independent shop.

Expert Service at Competitive Prices

The same expert service without the inflated costs of the dealership. See how our prices compare to some of our local competitors.

1465 Reviews | Avg Rating Five Stars

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Scandinavian Import Servicenter
285 Derwood Circle
Rockville, MD 20850
Service: 301-340-7222

  • Minutes from the Rockville Metro
  • Convenient to Washington DC and Northern Virginia
  • Courtesy Metro shuttle available

How Our BMW Service Prices Compare to the Dealers

Below is a table that shows the price comparison for some straightforward repairs and services made to a variety of BMW models. Next to each BMW model you will find the description of the type of repair, Scandinavian’s price (including parts, labor & tax), and comparison prices for two other local dealers.

BMW Model & Repair Type Our Price Dealer 1 Dealer 2
2003 BMW 330ci Coupe Oil Change $74.21 $79.95 $79.95
2005 BMW 330ci Coupe Front control arm bushing replacement $528.52 $730.00 $660.00
2004 BMW 330ci Coupe Radiator replacement $495.96 $985.00 $1,200.00
2005 BMW 325i Sedan | Front left window regulator $476.86 $582.00 $623.00
2008 BMW 335i Sedan Water pump replacement $912.49 $1,260.00 $1,210.59
2010 BMW 335i Coupe Carbon Cleaning $469.65 $950.00 $798.00
2007 BMW 335i Sedan Front thrust arm replacement $467.10 $868.62 $813.89
SUB TOTALS $3,424.79 $5,455.57 $5,385.43
Percent Difference in Charges + 59.38% + 57.25%

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